STM32+W5500+以太网应用开发+002_TCP 服务器和客户端

服务器 0

STM32+W5500+以太网应用开发+001_TCP 服务器和客户端

  • 实验效果1-TCP服务器
  • 实验效果2-TCP客户端
  • 1 制作STM32CubeMX工程文件生成MDK工程
  • 2 添加W5500驱动库文件
  • 3 添加头文件目录
  • 4 实例1-TCP服务器
    • 4.1 修改main.c代码
    • 4.2 测试
  • 5 实例2-TCP客户端
    • 5.1 修改main.c代码
    • 5.2 测试





1 制作STM32CubeMX工程文件生成MDK工程


2 添加W5500驱动库文件


3 添加头文件目录


4 实例1-TCP服务器

4.1 修改main.c代码


STM32+W5500+以太网应用开发+001_Ping 新建工程,移植驱动-CSDN博客

/* USER CODE BEGIN PTD */#define LISTEN_PORT 5000#define RECEIVE_BUFF_SIZE 128wiz_NetInfo gWIZNETINFO = {  .mac = { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80 },//MSB - LSB  .ip  = { 192, 168, 1, 10 },  .sn  = { 255, 255, 255, 0 },  .gw  = { 192, 168, 1, 1 },//网关参数  .dns  = { 8, 8, 8, 8 },  .dhcp = NETINFO_STATIC };uint8_t receive_buff[RECEIVE_BUFF_SIZE];/* USER CODE END PTD */
/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */  printf("A simple TCP Server Application using W5500!/r/n");  W5500Init();                                     //W5500初始化  ctlnetwork(CN_SET_NETINFO, (void*)&gWIZNETINFO); //配置网络参数    wiz_PhyConf phyconf; = PHY_CONFBY_SW;  phyconf.duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL;  phyconf.speed = PHY_SPEED_10;  phyconf.mode = PHY_MODE_AUTONEGO;  ctlwizchip(CW_SET_PHYCONF, (void*)&phyconf);     //配置PHY参数    PHYStatusCheck();                                //检查网络连接状态  PrintPHYConf();                                  //打印PHY配置信息  printf("Simple TCP Server Application/r/n");  /* USER CODE END 2 */
while (1)  {    /* USER CODE END WHILE */    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */    printf("/r/nInitializing server socket/r/n");	  //Parameters in order socket_id, protocol TCP or UDP, Port number, Flags=0	  //Return value is socket ID on success	  if(socket(1,Sn_MR_TCP,LISTEN_PORT,0)!=1)//创建一个socket:Socket号,TCP/UDP类型,端口号	  {		  //error		  printf("Cannot create Socket!/r/n");		  while(1);//halt here	  }	  //success	  printf("Socket Created Successfully ! /r/n");	  uint8_t socket_io_mode=SOCK_IO_BLOCK;	  ctlsocket(1, CS_SET_IOMODE , &socket_io_mode);//set blocking IO mode    printf("IP Address is %d.%d.%d.%d/r/n",gWIZNETINFO.ip[0],gWIZNETINFO.ip[1],gWIZNETINFO.ip[2],gWIZNETINFO.ip[3]);	  printf("Start listening on port %d ! /r/n",LISTEN_PORT);	  printf("Waiting for a client connection. /r/n");	  //Make it a passive socket (i.e. listen for connection)	  if(listen(1)!=SOCK_OK)//监听端口	  {//our socket id is 1 (w5500 have 8 sockets from 0-7)		  //error		  printf("Cannot listen on port %d",LISTEN_PORT);		  while(1);	  }	  uint8_t sr=0x00;//socket status register	  do	  {		  sr=getSn_SR(1);//获取Sn_SR寄存器,参数0~7 	  }while (sr!=SOCK_ESTABLISHED && sr!=SOCK_CLOSED);	  if(sr==SOCK_CLOSED)	  {		  printf("Some error occurred on server socket. Please restart./r/n");		  while(1);	  }	  if(sr==SOCK_ESTABLISHED)//成功连接	  {		  //we come here only when a client has connected.		  //Now we can read data from the socket		  printf("A client connected!/r/n");		  printf("Waiting for Client Data ...!/r/n");		  while(1)		  {			  int len=recv(1, receive_buff, RECEIVE_BUFF_SIZE);//从连接设备读取数据到receive_buff			  if(len==SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS)			  {				  //client has disconnected				  printf("Client has disconnected/r/n");				  printf("*** SESSION OVER ***/r/n/r/n");				  break;			  }			  receive_buff[len]='/0';			  printf("Received %d bytes from client/r/n",len);			  printf("Data Received: %s", receive_buff);        if(strcmp((char*)receive_buff,"Who are u")==0)			  {//判断接收到"Who are u"				  memcpy(receive_buff,"I am role_2099!",15);//修改应答内容          len = 15;			  }			  //Echo the data back encloused in a [] pair			  send(1,(uint8_t*)"[",1);//starting sq bracket 向客户端发送[			  send(1,receive_buff,len);// the data          向客户端发送接收到的内容或者特定的回答			  send(1,(uint8_t*)"]",1);//closing sq bracket  向客户端发送]			  printf("/r/nECHO sent back to client/r/n");			  //Look for quit message and quit if received			  if(strcmp((char*)receive_buff,"QUIT")==0)			  {//收到"QUIT",端口客户端连接				  printf("Received QUIT command from client/r/n");				  printf("Disconnecting ... /r/n");				  printf("*** SESSION OVER ***/r/n/r/n");				  disconnect(1);//disconnect from the clinet 断开客户端连接				  break;//come out of while loop 退出,回到131行,重新等待客户端连接			  }		  }//While loop (as long as client is connected)	  }//if block, client connect success  }  /* USER CODE END 3 */

4.2 测试

1> ping测试,确认通信正常


2> 客户端未连接时log信息


3> 使用网络调试助手配置为客户端,远程主机地址是开发板IP地址,端口号5000
4> 连接成功

5 实例2-TCP客户端

5.1 修改main.c代码

/* USER CODE BEGIN PTD */uint8_t destination_ip[]={192,168,1,20}; //远程主机地址uint16_t destination_port = 5000;        //远程主机端口#define LISTEN_PORT 5000 //本地主机端口#define RECEIVE_BUFF_SIZE 128wiz_NetInfo gWIZNETINFO = {  .mac = { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80 },//MSB - LSB  .ip  = { 192, 168, 1, 10 },  //IP地址  .sn  = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }, //子网掩码  .gw  = { 192, 168, 1, 1 },   //网关参数  .dns  = { 8, 8, 8, 8 },      //DNS  .dhcp = NETINFO_STATIC };    //DHCP关闭uint8_t receive_buff[RECEIVE_BUFF_SIZE];/* USER CODE END PTD */
/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */  printf("A simple TCP Client Application using W5500!/r/n");  W5500Init();                                     //W5500初始化  ctlnetwork(CN_SET_NETINFO, (void*)&gWIZNETINFO); //配置网络参数    wiz_PhyConf phyconf; = PHY_CONFBY_SW;  phyconf.duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL;  phyconf.speed = PHY_SPEED_10;  phyconf.mode = PHY_MODE_AUTONEGO;  ctlwizchip(CW_SET_PHYCONF, (void*)&phyconf);     //配置PHY参数    PHYStatusCheck();                                //检查网络连接状态  PrintPHYConf();                                  //打印PHY配置信息  printf("Simple TCP Client Application/r/n");  /* USER CODE END 2 */
while (1)  {    /* USER CODE END WHILE */    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */        //The return value of socket() call is the socket number if success    //we are using socket number 1 so it should return 1 for success    //The 3rd argument is the local port, when a client app is written    //better give 0 here, that will use a random available port    if(socket(1, Sn_MR_TCP, 0, 0)==1) //创建Socket=1    {      printf("/r/nSocket Created Successfully");    }    else    {      printf("/r/nCannot create socket");      while(1);    }    printf("/r/nConnecting to server: %d.%d.%d.%d @ TCP Port: %d",destination_ip[0],destination_ip[1],destination_ip[2],destination_ip[3],destination_port);    if(connect(1, destination_ip, destination_port)==SOCK_OK) //连接远程主机    {      printf("/r/nConnected with server.");    }    else    {      //failed      printf("/r/nCannot connect with server!");      while(1);    }    while (1)    {      //Return value of the send() function is the amount of data sent      if(send(1, "I am role_2099!/r/n", 16)<=SOCK_ERROR) //向服务器发送数据I am role_2099      {        printf("/r/nSending Failed!");        while(1);      }      else      {        printf("/r/nSending Success!");      }      HAL_Delay(1000);    }  }  /* USER CODE END 3 */

5.2 测试

1> 电脑端没有开启程序指定的服务器和端口
2> 网络调试助手配置,并开启服务器
3> 重新启动开发板,电脑端收到来自TCP客户端发来的信息
