
服务器 0


  • rz: receive zmodem的缩写,运行该命令会弹出一个文件选择窗口,从本地选择文件上传到Linux服务器。
  • sz: send zmodem的缩写,将选定的文件发送(send)到本地服务器,即从Linux下载到Windows系统;


rpm -qa | grep lrzsz

yum install -y lrzsz




-a       :  以文本方式传输(ascii)。-b       :  以二进制方式传输(binary)。-e       :  对控制字符转义(escape),这可以保证文件传输正确。
[keepmoving@192 test]$ sz --helpsz version 0.12.20Usage: sz [options] file ...   or: sz [options] -{c|i} COMMANDSend file(s) with ZMODEM/YMODEM/XMODEM protocol    (X) = option applies to XMODEM only    (Y) = option applies to YMODEM only    (Z) = option applies to ZMODEM only  -+, --append                append to existing destination file (Z)  -2, --twostop               use 2 stop bits  -4, --try-4k                go up to 4K blocksize      --start-4k              start with 4K blocksize (doesn't try 8)  -8, --try-8k                go up to 8K blocksize      --start-8k              start with 8K blocksize  -a, --ascii                 ASCII transfer (change CR/LF to LF)  -b, --binary                binary transfer  -B, --bufsize N             buffer N bytes (N==auto: buffer whole file)  -c, --command COMMAND       execute remote command COMMAND (Z)  -C, --command-tries N       try N times to execute a command (Z)  -d, --dot-to-slash          change '.' to '/' in pathnames (Y/Z)      --delay-startup N       sleep N seconds before doing anything  -e, --escape                escape all control characters (Z)  -E, --rename                force receiver to rename files it already has  -f, --full-path             send full pathname (Y/Z)  -i, --immediate-command CMD send remote CMD, return immediately (Z)  -h, --help                  print this usage message  -k, --1k                    send 1024 byte packets (X)  -L, --packetlen N           limit subpacket length to N bytes (Z)  -l, --framelen N            limit frame length to N bytes (l>=L) (Z)  -m, --min-bps N             stop transmission if BPS below N  -M, --min-bps-time N          for at least N seconds (default: 120)  -n, --newer                 send file if source newer (Z)  -N, --newer-or-longer       send file if source newer or longer (Z)  -o, --16-bit-crc            use 16 bit CRC instead of 32 bit CRC (Z)  -O, --disable-timeouts      disable timeout code, wait forever  -p, --protect               protect existing destination file (Z)  -r, --resume                resume interrupted file transfer (Z)  -R, --restricted            restricted, more secure mode  -q, --quiet                 quiet (no progress reports)  -s, --stop-at {HH:MM|+N}    stop transmission at HH:MM or in N seconds      --tcp                   build a TCP connection to transmit files      --tcp-server            open socket, wait for connection  -u, --unlink                unlink file after transmission  -U, --unrestrict            turn off restricted mode (if allowed to)  -v, --verbose               be verbose, provide debugging information  -w, --windowsize N          Window is N bytes (Z)  -X, --xmodem                use XMODEM protocol  -y, --overwrite             overwrite existing files  -Y, --overwrite-or-skip     overwrite existing files, else skip      --ymodem                use YMODEM protocol  -Z, --zmodem                use ZMODEM protocolshort options use the same arguments as the long ones


  • 如果能够确定所传输的文件是文本格式的,使用 sz -a files
  • 如果是二进制文件,使用 sz -be files


sz -y 123.xlsx 

sz -a 123.xlsx


        rz:运行该命令会弹出一个文件选择窗口,从本地选择文件上传到Linux服务器。使用rz -y 命令时会弹出选择文件对话框


-b      :   以二进制方式,默认为文本方式。(Binary (tell it like it is) file transfer override.)-e      :   对所有控制字符转义。(Force sender to escape all control characters; normally XON, XOFF, DLE, CR-@-CR, and Ctrl-X are escaped.)
[keepmoving@192 test]$ rz --helprz version 0.12.20Usage: rz [options] [filename.if.xmodem]Receive files with ZMODEM/YMODEM/XMODEM protocol    (X) = option applies to XMODEM only    (Y) = option applies to YMODEM only    (Z) = option applies to ZMODEM only  -+, --append                append to existing files  -a, --ascii                 ASCII transfer (change CR/LF to LF)  -b, --binary                binary transfer  -B, --bufsize N             buffer N bytes (N==auto: buffer whole file)  -c, --with-crc              Use 16 bit CRC (X)  -C, --allow-remote-commands allow execution of remote commands (Z)  -D, --null                  write all received data to /dev/null      --delay-startup N       sleep N seconds before doing anything  -e, --escape                Escape control characters (Z)  -E, --rename                rename any files already existing      --errors N              generate CRC error every N bytes (debugging)  -h, --help                  Help, print this usage message  -m, --min-bps N             stop transmission if BPS below N  -M, --min-bps-time N          for at least N seconds (default: 120)  -O, --disable-timeouts      disable timeout code, wait forever for data      --o-sync                open output file(s) in synchronous write mode  -p, --protect               protect existing files  -q, --quiet                 quiet, no progress reports  -r, --resume                try to resume interrupted file transfer (Z)  -R, --restricted            restricted, more secure mode  -s, --stop-at {HH:MM|+N}    stop transmission at HH:MM or in N seconds  -S, --timesync              request remote time (twice: set local time)      --syslog[=off]          turn syslog on or off, if possible  -t, --timeout N             set timeout to N tenths of a second  -u, --keep-uppercase        keep upper case filenames  -U, --unrestrict            disable restricted mode (if allowed to)  -v, --verbose               be verbose, provide debugging information  -w, --windowsize N          Window is N bytes (Z)  -X  --xmodem                use XMODEM protocol  -y, --overwrite             Yes, clobber existing file if any      --ymodem                use YMODEM protocol  -Z, --zmodem                use ZMODEM protocolshort options use the same arguments as the long ones


rz -y 
