
服务器 0


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不过我仔细的看了安全部门返回的报告,它是针对Windows Server 2019远程桌面端口进行风险报告…这是刷存在感了吗?哎,没有办法先做调查确认,然后再去考虑修复。



SSL全称是Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接字层,它是由网景公司(Netscape)设计的主要用于Web的安全传输协议,目的是为网络通信提供机密性、认证性及数据完整性保障。如今,SSL已经成为互联网保密通信的工业标准。SSL最初的几个版本(SSL 1.0、SSL2.0、SSL 3.0)由网景公司设计和维护,从3.1版本开始,SSL协议由因特网工程任务小组(IETF)正式接管,并更名为TLS(Transport Layer Security),发展至今已有TLS 1.0、TLS1.1、TLS1.2,TLS1.3这几个版本。TLS, SSH, IPSec协商及其他产品中使用的DES及Triple DES密码存在大约四十亿块的生日界,这可使远程攻击者通过Sweet32攻击,获取纯文本数据。

该漏洞又称为SWEET32(https://sweet32.info)是对较旧的分组密码算法的攻击,它使用64位的块大小,缓解SWEET32攻击OpenSSL 1.0.1和OpenSSL 1.0.2中基于DES密码套件从“高”密码字符串组移至“中”;



  1. 打开“本地组策略编辑器”-“计算机配置”-“管理模板”-“网络”-“SSL配置设置”, 在“SSL密码套件顺序”选项上,右键“编辑”

  2. 在“SSL密码套件顺序”选在“已启用(E)” ,在“SSL密码套件”下修改SSL密码套件算法,仅保留TLS 1.2 SHA256 和 SHA384 密码套件、TLS 1.2 ECC GCM 密码套件。


  1. 重启服务器

  2. 检查状态



<#.Synopsis   Solve Sweet32 Short description.DESCRIPTION   Long description.EXAMPLE   Example of how to use this cmdlet.EXAMPLE   Another example of how to use this cmdlet.INPUTS   Inputs to this cmdlet (if any).OUTPUTS   Output from this cmdlet (if any).NOTES   General notes.COMPONENT   The component this cmdlet belongs to.ROLE   The role this cmdlet belongs to.FUNCTIONALITY   The functionality that best describes this cmdlet#>[CmdletBinding()]param(    [Parameter(position=0,Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("SWEET32","TLS1.0","Both")]$Solve="Both")function Write-Log{    [CmdletBinding()]    #[Alias('wl')]    [OutputType([int])]    Param(        # The string to be written to the log.        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,                   Position=0)]        [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]        [Alias("LogContent")]        [string]$Message,        # The path to the log file.        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,                   Position=1)]        [Alias('LogPath')]        [string]$Path=$DefaultLog,        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,                    Position=2)]        [ValidateSet("Error","Warn","Info","Load","Execute")]        [string]$Level="Info",        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]        [switch]$NoClobber    )       Process{                if ((Test-Path $Path) -AND $NoClobber) {            Write-Warning "Log file $Path already exists, and you specified NoClobber. Either delete the file or specify a different name."            Return        }        # If attempting to write to a log file in a folder/path that doesn't exist        # to create the file include path.        elseif (!(Test-Path $Path)) {            Write-Verbose "Creating $Path."            $NewLogFile = New-Item $Path -Force -ItemType File        }        else {            # Nothing to see here yet.        }        # Now do the logging and additional output based on $Level        switch ($Level) {            'Error' {                Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") ERROR: `t $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append                break;            }            'Warn' {                Write-Warning $Message                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") WARNING: `t $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append                break;            }            'Info' {                Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Green                Write-Verbose $Message                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") INFO: `t $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append                break;            }            'Load' {                Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Magenta                Write-Verbose $Message                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") LOAD: `t $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append                break;            }            'Execute' {                Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Cyan -BackgroundColor DarkBlue                Write-Verbose $Message                Write-Output "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") EXEC: `t $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Append                break;            }        }    }}function Test-RegistryValue {    param (        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Path,        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Value    )    try{        if( (Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Value -ErrorAction Stop) -eq 0 ){            return  $true        }        return $false    }    catch{        return  $true    }}function Test-RegistryProperty {    param (        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Path,        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Value    )    try{        if( (Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Value) -eq 0 ){            return  $true        }        return $false    }    catch{        return  $true    }}$Global:CleanUpGlobal=@()$Global:CleanUpVar=@()$global:ScriptLocation = $(get-location).Path$global:DefaultLog = "$global:ScriptLocation/Sweet32.log"$Global:CleanUpGlobal+="ScriptLocation"$Global:CleanUpGlobal+="DefaultLog"################################################################################SWEET32#########################################################################                 Source : https://bobcares.com/blog/how-to-fix-sweet32-birthday-attacks-vulnerability-cve-2016-2183/3/                                 ###               ################################################################################SWEET32######################################################################if( ($Solve -eq "Both") -or ($Solve -eq "SWEET32") ){    Write-Log -Level Load -Message "Solving vulnerability --> SWEET32"    $TripleDES168="HKLM:/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SecurityProviders/SCHANNEL/Ciphers/Triple DES 168/168"    $testkey = Test-path $TripleDES168    #Create Key Triple DES 168 (A key is a folder in the registry)    if(!$testkey){        Write-Log -Level info -Message "Creating Key $TripleDES168"        New-Item -Path $TripleDES168 -Force | Out-Null    }    else{        Write-Log -Level Warn -Message "They key already exits ($TripleDES168)"    }        #Create The property "Enabled" with value 0    $testentry= Test-RegistryValue -Path $TripleDES168 -Value "Enabled"    if(!$testentry){        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Creating new Enabled Property with value 0"        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path $TripleDES168 -Name "Enabled" -Value 0  -Force | Out-Null    }    else{        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "The registry entry with property enabled = 0, already exists"    }}################################################################################################################################################################   Protocols : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/friis/2016/07/25/disabling-tls-1-0-on-your-windows-2008-r2-server-just-because-you-still-have-one/     ################################################################################################################################################################if( ($Solve -match "Both") -or ($Solve -match "TLS1.0") ){    Write-Log -Level Load -Message "Solving vulnerability --> TLS1.0"    #Define Variables and Arrays    $TLSRoot = "HKLM:/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/SecurityProviders/SCHANNEL/Protocols"    $TLSArray =@("TLS 1.0","TLS 1.1","TLS 1.2")    $ClientServer= @("Client","Server")    foreach($tls in $TLSArray){ #foreach root item check if it's there,         $rootpath = "$TLSRoot/$tls"        if(! (Test-Path $rootpath)){ #if it's doesn't exists, create it  (Remember a key is a folder in registry).            Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Create new Key ($rootpath)"            new-item -Path $rootpath -Force | Out-Null        }            foreach($cs in $ClientServer){ #cs => Client/Server array.            $cspath = "$rootpath/$cs"	            if(! (Test-Path $cspath) ){ #check if the cspath exists (if not create it, if it is, check the property "Enabled" for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 , and "DisabledByDefault" for TLS 1.2                New-Item -Path "$cspath" -Force | Out-Null                if($tls -eq "TLS 1.0" -or $tls -eq "TLS 1.1"){ #If tls 1.0 enabled 0 (disabled)                    if(! (Test-RegistryProperty  "$cspath" -Value "Enabled")){                        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Creating new property Enabled = 0 for $tls in ($cspath)"                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "Enabled" -Value 0 -Force | Out-Null						New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value 1 -Force | Out-Null                    }                }                else{ #if tls 1.2 (is not disabled by default and it's enabled                    if(! (Test-RegistryProperty "$cspath" -Value "DisabledByDefault")){                        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Creating 'Enabled' and 'DisabledByDefault' for $tls in ($cspath)"                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value 0 -Force | Out-Null                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "Enabled" -Value 4294967295 -Force | Out-Null #Enable tls 1.0 or 1.1                    }                }            }            else{ #if the root exists Check the property Enabled for tls1.0 and "Disabledbydefault" for 				if($tls -eq "TLS 1.0" -or $tls -eq "TLS 1.1"){ #If tls 1.0 enabled 0 (disabled)                    if(! (Test-RegistryProperty  "$cspath" -Value "Enabled")){                        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Creating new property Enabled = 0 for $tls in ($cspath)"                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "Enabled" -Value 0 -Force | Out-Null						New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value 1 -Force | Out-Null                    }                }                else{                    if(! (Test-RegistryProperty "$cspath" -Value "DisabledByDefault")){                        Write-Log -Level Info -Message "Creating 'Enabled' and 'DisabledByDefault' for $tls in ($cspath)"                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "DisabledByDefault" -Value 0 -Force | Out-Null                        New-ItemProperty -PropertyType DWORD -Path "$cspath" -Name "Enabled" -Value 4294967295 -Force| Out-Null                    }                }            }        }    }}Write-Log -Level Info "Cleaning up variables"	$CleanUpVar | ForEach-Object{		Remove-Variable $_	}	$CleanUpGlobal | ForEach-Object{		Remove-Variable -Scope global $_	}
