
服务器 0






[root@localhost ~]# dmidecode -s system-serial-number219306478018


[root@localhost ~]# dmidecode -t system# dmidecode 3.4Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.SMBIOS 3.2.1 present.Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytesSystem Information        Manufacturer: ZTE        Product Name: R5300 G4        Version: 1.0.0        Serial Number: 219306478018        UUID: 613cc86c-0000-1000-0000-bc1695199c23        Wake-up Type: Power Switch        SKU Number: N/A        Family: ServerHandle 0x001D, DMI type 32, 20 bytesSystem Boot Information        Status: No errors detected


[root@localhost ~]#  dmidecode -s baseboard-serial-number739554000276


[root@localhost ~]# sudo dmidecode -t baseboard# dmidecode 3.4Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.SMBIOS 3.2.1 present.Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 15 bytesBase Board Information        Manufacturer: ZTE        Product Name: R5300G4        Version: 16030200        Serial Number: 739554000276        Asset Tag: N/A        Features:                Board is a hosting board                Board is replaceable        Location In Chassis: INSIDE        Chassis Handle: 0x0003        Type: Motherboard        Contained Object Handles: 0Handle 0x001C, DMI type 10, 10 bytesOn Board Device 1 Information        Type: Video        Status: Enabled        Description: Video AST2500 x1On Board Device 2 Information        Type: Ethernet        Status: Enabled        Description: Ethernet 4*X722 x16On Board Device 3 Information        Type: SAS Controller        Status: Enabled        Description: SAS Controller x8Handle 0x001E, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  Video AST2500 x1        Type: Video        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 1        Bus Address: 0000:03:00.0Handle 0x001F, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  Ethernet X722 1        Type: Ethernet        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 1        Bus Address: 0000:1a:00.0Handle 0x0020, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  Ethernet X722 2        Type: Ethernet        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 2        Bus Address: 0000:1a:00.1Handle 0x0021, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  Ethernet X722 3        Type: Ethernet        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 3        Bus Address: 0000:1a:00.2Handle 0x0022, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  Ethernet X722 4        Type: Ethernet        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 4        Bus Address: 0000:1a:00.3Handle 0x0023, DMI type 41, 11 bytesOnboard Device        Reference Designation:  SAS Controller x8        Type: SAS Controller        Status: Enabled        Type Instance: 1        Bus Address: 0000:3c:00.0


  本服务器使用了Adaptec RAID 控制器。arcconf 是一个用于管理 Adaptec RAID 控制器的命令行工具。它允许用户查询和控制 RAID 控制器及其相关设备的状态。以下是一些 arcconf 的常用指令

  1. arcconf setstate <Controller_Number> device <Device_Number> <State>
    这个命令用于设置设备的状态。<Controller_Number> 是控制器的编号,<Device_Number> 是设备的编号,而 <State> 是要设置的状态。例如,将设备设置为热备状态可以使用 arcconf setstate 1 device 0 3 hsp,其中 1 是控制器编号,0 是设备编号,3 表示设置操作,hsp 表示热备状态。

  2. arcconf getconfig <Controller_Number> all
    这个命令用于获取控制器的配置信息。<Controller_Number> 是控制器的编号。使用 all 参数可以获取所有设备的配置信息。例如,arcconf getconfig 1 all 将显示控制器 1 的所有设备配置信息。

  3. arcconf identify <Controller_Number> device <Device_Number>
    这个命令用于启动设备的识别灯,通常用于物理定位设备。<Controller_Number> 是控制器的编号,<Device_Number> 是设备的编号。例如,./arcconf-linux identify 1 device 0 将启动控制器 1 的设备 0 的识别灯。

[root@localhost ~]# ./arcconf-linux  listControllers found: 1----------------------------------------------------------------------Controller information----------------------------------------------------------------------   Controller ID             : Status, Slot, Mode, Name, SerialNumber, WWN----------------------------------------------------------------------   Controller 1:             : Optimal, Slot 0, RAID (Hide RAW), ZTE SmartROC3100 SDPSx V2.54, 739186000138, 50015EBE047A1C3FCommand completed successfully.
2、查看 RAID组逻辑卷相关信息


[root@localhost ~]# ./arcconf-linux getconfig 1 ldControllers found: 1--------------------------------------------------------Logical device information--------------------------------------------------------Logical Device number 0   Logical Device name                        : Logical Drive 1   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sda   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 0   RAID level                                 : 1   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 457830 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : /boot/efi 600 MB  Partition Number 1 /boot 1024 MB  Partition Number 2    LD Acceleration Method                     : SSD IO Bypass   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001CABF2A33CB293CD714BC8--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 12                                  : Present (457862MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:3, Device:12) BTYF12230019480BGN   Device 13                                  : Present (457862MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:3, Device:13) BTYF1223003J480BGNLogical Device number 1   Logical Device name                        : 1   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdb   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 1   RAID level                                 : 1   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : SSD IO Bypass   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001CF9B0CA75E5D539AA91EE--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 0                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:0, Device:0) S455NC0R904981   Device 1                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:0, Device:1) S455NC0R909489Logical Device number 2   Logical Device name                        : 0-2   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdc   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 2   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001CC9F6AF6AC352A9F73939--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 2                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:0, Device:2) S455NC0R915516Logical Device number 3   Logical Device name                        : 0-3   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdd   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 3   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C08F6CFB967225F000998--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 3                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:0, Device:3) S455NC0R915568Logical Device number 4   Logical Device name                        : 0-4   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sde   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 4   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C3D7DA083E19C9526DE7C--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 4                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:1, Device:4) S455NC0R904969Logical Device number 5   Logical Device name                        : 0-5   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdf   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 5   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001CFCABEC062F31AD360408--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 5                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:1, Device:5) S455NC0R904979Logical Device number 6   Logical Device name                        : 0-6   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdg   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 6   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C1117753A950D01FF5394--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 6                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:1, Device:6) S455NC0R904964Logical Device number 7   Logical Device name                        : 0-7   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdh   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 7   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001CBDE6C3E430DF7E4E5D81--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 7                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:1, Device:7) S455NC0R904962Logical Device number 8   Logical Device name                        : 0-8   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdi   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 8   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C0604E97D1A8BBC845A91--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 8                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:2, Device:8) S455NC0R903477Logical Device number 9   Logical Device name                        : 0-9   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdj   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 9   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C3600C13E0FB9A9600321--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 9                                   : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:2, Device:9) S455NC0R904756Logical Device number 10   Logical Device name                        : 0-10   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdk   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 10   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C9D7DD9C57A71CFD32FFB--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 10                                  : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:2, Device:10) S455NC0R904971Logical Device number 11   Logical Device name                        : 0-11   Disk Name                                  : /dev/sdl   Block Size of member drives                : 512 Bytes   Array                                      : 11   RAID level                                 : 0   Status of Logical Device                   : Optimal   Size                                       : 1831388 MB   Stripe-unit size                           : 256 KB   Full Stripe Size                           : 256 KB   Interface Type                             : SATA SSD   Device Type                                : Data   Boot Type                                  : None   Heads                                      : 255   Sectors Per Track                          : 32   Cylinders                                  : 65535   Caching                                    : Disabled   Mount Points                               : Not Mounted   LD Acceleration Method                     : None   Logical Device On Boot Connector           : No   Volume Unique Identifier                   : 600508B1001C8E742D672959B26B4E98--------------------------------------------------------   Array Physical Device Information--------------------------------------------------------   Device ID                                  : Availability (SizeMB, Protocol, Type, Connector ID, Location) Serial Number--------------------------------------------------------   Device 11                                  : Present (1831420MB, SATA, SSD, Connector:2, Device:11) S455NC0R904968Command completed successfully.
3、结合lsscsi -s查看逻辑卷情况
[root@localhost ~]# lsscsi -s[12:0:0:0]   cd/dvd  AMI      Virtual CDROM0   1.00  /dev/sr0   1.07GB[15:0:0:0]   enclosu ZTE      Smart Adapter    3.22  -               -[15:1:0:0]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sda    480GB[15:1:0:1]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdb   1.92TB[15:1:0:2]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdd   1.92TB[15:1:0:3]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdc   1.92TB[15:1:0:4]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sde   1.92TB[15:1:0:5]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdf   1.92TB[15:1:0:6]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdg   1.92TB[15:1:0:7]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdh   1.92TB[15:1:0:8]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdi   1.92TB[15:1:0:9]   disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdj   1.92TB[15:1:0:10]  disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdk   1.92TB[15:1:0:11]  disk    ZTE      LOGICAL VOLUME   3.22  /dev/sdl   1.92TB[15:2:0:0]   storage ZTE      SDPSx V2.54      3.22  -               -


